Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Welcome Notes: A Blog That's Not Just For Muggles

I have arrived. Welcome to my world muggles, witches and wizards, mortals and immortals, bitches and jerks, and saints and sinners! This is my first time ever to create a blog (and I'm so excited, I'm in too deep). It's me Michaer (Mayk-khaer from the epiglottis) Rada a.k.a. Mikaer Rada to many social networking sites. And I'm not a terrorist. I am here to show to the world what it's like to be me. I guess, that might sound a bit uninteresting to most of you, but why not try to seek into the depths of me?

About the Tag Line

I am not from a closet. I'm from Narnia. Seek into the depths of me...”

From the outside, everyone can tell that I'm a silent water, mysterious, aloof and lonely. We'll, I tell you, I'm exactly the opposite inside. My world inside is like a pandemonium without so many invites; a wonderland no one has ever wandered; a river flowing without direction; and a strange street with so many mazes.

Through blogging, I hope to get the world listen to the songs that my heart is singing. I'll be here 24/7 to give you what is suppose to feed a thirsty soul. I am a nurse, an ordinary mortal, not really a prolific writer at that, but I can assure you that like a river in the mid-day, my words will flow in you.

Why I am Blogging?

I don't have to use so many social spaces to tell you why I am here. One thing for sure, I'm here because of you-know-what, I was a victim of you-know-who, after he abandoned that place you-know-where. But perhaps, I can give you few clear reasons why I am blogging. Here are they:

  • I am jobless. I have all the time in the world to post what is ought to be posted.
  • I want to entertain and educate people with so many beautiful ideas that're flowing in my mind (but of course, only if you're interested).
  • I want to document my life's story. (My life's a melodrama, I cannot do something about it).
  • I want to provoke thoughts, opinions or views of people about issues that confront our society today.
  • I have a diverse interests-from entertainment to social media, I can be your faithful partner.
  • I want to have an in-depth understanding of the online communities and discover how I can relate to each of them.

There you go. Whether you're one of the muggles with the heart of diamonds or extra-ordinary earthlings with a heart of stone, or vice versa, I'll just be here to connect to you in the most meaningful way possible.


  1. Thanks Nang Che. Finally, I see a comment. LOL. Will provide more interesting contents in the next few days.

  2. Very well said mike, you do really have a potential to be a blogger, Good job!!! hahaha..looking forward for your next topic, I'm sure it's gonna be interesting..Keep it up..

  3. Let your voice be heard!..Be free to express what's inside.You are blessed with this skill in writing.Keep going.Sounds frustrating but it's good to know you are able to see the brighter side.

  4. nice mike, you're such a good writer gd ya mike..keep it up..i know there's a time for everything mike.

  5. this is really good!! keep it up!! :)))
